Book "Advances in Audiology ... "

In this section you will be able to access to multimedia material embedded / related into the chapters of the "Advances in Audiology, Speech Pathology and Hearing Science" book, published in 2020 by AAP . Information about the book, prices, e-copies,  can be obtained from the AAP website .

The editors of the book (Hatzopoulos, Ciorba and Krumm) would like to thank  Horentek SRL for the important and symbolic contribution with which it was possible to implement various "dedicated" book related pages,  into the OAE Portal.

One of the advantages of having the multimedia links here, is that it is possible to update the links and the sources. This means that  as things evolve in the field  and as more material is available in various INTERNET sources, the corresponding authors have the possibility to change (add or delete) the multimedia material in their section.

The book was made possible by the generous contributions of 42 authors. It is divided into two volumes, with the following structure:

1. Volume 1 : Clinical Protocols revised (14 chapters).

                     Last moment Updates (3  short chapters).


2. Volume 2 : Hearing Devices (5 chapters).

                      Hearing in the Elderly (2 chapters).

                      Otoprotection and Regeneration (4 chapters).

                      Telemedicine (4 chapters).


Each chapter contains : An abstract; Multimedia Links; and Information on the chapter contributors.